19th Anthony Hecht Poetry Prize


Julia Thacker, To Wildness



(in name order)

Emily Banks, Doll Fire

Katie Chaple, How Clearly You Can See Some Nights

Christopher Childers, Bitters

Will Cordeiro, Self-Guided Tours Through Intemperate Weather

Jalen Eutsey, Bubble Gum Stadium

Kerry James Evans, Arachne’s Tapestry

Sara Femenella, Elegies for One Small Future

David Gorin, A Pale Green Star

Miriam Flock, Fight or Flight

Jennifer Anna Gosetti-Ferencei, The Exquisite Distance

Sophie Grimes, The Shape of Time

Eva Mary Hooker, Portion

Angelo Mao,  A White Horse Is Not a Horse

Forester McClatchey, The Tedium of Miracles

Susan Parr, Devera

Andrea Ballou Read, Family Business

Nicholas Reading, Silent Reel

Daniel Saalfeld, Sweet Teeth

Julia Shipley, Inside an Animal

Anne-Marie Thompson, Is

Dillon Tracy, The New New Normal

LaWanda Walters, Seedy Lake

Jane Zwart, Small Craft